Dangerous driving is a serious criminal offense that goes beyond simple traffic violations. Unlike careless driving, which may result in a fine and demerit points, a dangerous driving charge can lead to severe legal consequences. Here’s what you need to know about dangerous driving charges and how to defend against them.

What Constitutes Dangerous Driving?

Dangerous driving involves operating a vehicle in a manner that is deemed dangerous to the public. This can include a variety of actions such as:

  • Extreme and unnecessary speeding
  • Passing a school bus or emergency vehicle
  • Driving too fast for weather conditions
  • Racing
  • Impaired driving
  • Aggressive driving, such as tailgating

The police do not need to prove that an accident occurred as a result of the dangerous driving. They only need to demonstrate that your driving behavior posed a significant risk to public safety.

Consequences of a Dangerous Driving Conviction

The penalties for dangerous driving are severe and can include:

  • Jail Time: Up to five years if no injury or property damage occurs. If injury or death results from the dangerous driving, the sentence can increase to 10 years.
  • License Suspension: A mandatory suspension of at least one year.
  • High Insurance Costs: Being labeled a high-risk driver leads to significantly increased insurance premiums.
  • Criminal Record: A conviction will result in a criminal record, which can affect future employment opportunities and travel.

Defending Against Dangerous Driving Charges

If you are charged with dangerous driving, it is crucial to have a strong legal defense. Here are some key strategies:

  1. Exercising Your Right to Remain Silent: It is essential to use your right to remain silent and avoid making statements to the police. Any statements you make can be used against you as evidence.
  2. Legal Representation: Hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer is vital. Your lawyer can challenge the evidence and argue for the exclusion of statements made without proper legal counsel or under coercion.
  3. Challenging the Evidence: Your lawyer can question the validity of the evidence presented by the prosecution. This includes examining whether the police followed proper procedures during the investigation.
  4. Proving Safe Driving: In some cases, demonstrating that your driving behavior was safe and appropriate given the circumstances can be a valid defense. For example, driving at a high speed might be justified in an emergency situation.
  5. Technical Defenses: Your lawyer may employ technical defenses, such as questioning the accuracy of speed detection devices or the reliability of witness testimonies.

Importance of Legal Representation

A dangerous driving charge is a serious matter that requires expert legal representation. An experienced lawyer such as Gary Batasar can help you navigate the legal process, protect your rights, and work towards the best possible outcome. If you are being investigated or have been charged with dangerous driving, contact Gary Batasar immediately for a consultation. He is here to provide the defense you need.

Contact Gary Batasar for Expert Legal Help: Don’t face dangerous driving charges alone. Reach out to Gary Batasar for a no-cost consultation to discuss your case and explore your defense options. He is committed to ensuring you receive the best legal representation.