Robbery is a serious criminal offense that involves the intent to take another person’s possessions without their consent, combined with the use of violence or threats. Due to the violent nature of the crime, robbery is always considered an indictable offense in Canada, carrying severe penalties if convicted.

What is Robbery?

Robbery is defined as committing theft with the use of bodily force, threats of force, or a weapon to reduce resistance. This can include a wide range of actions, from using physical violence to threatening someone with a weapon while stealing their property.

Key Elements of Robbery:

  • Theft: Taking someone else’s property without their consent.
  • Violence or Threats: Using physical force, threats of force, or a weapon to facilitate the theft.

Penalties for Robbery

The penalties for robbery can vary significantly based on the circumstances of the crime, such as the use of weapons and the value of the stolen goods.

General Penalties:

  • Robbery without a Weapon: Can result in severe penalties, including significant prison time.
  • Robbery with a Firearm: Carries a minimum sentence of five years imprisonment. If multiple offenses are involved, additional sentences of seven years for each additional charge may be imposed.
  • Value of Goods: The penalty can also depend on the value of the stolen goods, with higher penalties for goods valued over $5,000.

Gang Involvement:

  • Robbery for the Benefit of a Gang: Using a firearm in the commission of a robbery for a gang can lead to a five-year prison sentence, even for a first-time offender.
  • Individual Armed Robbery: Acting alone with a firearm can result in a sentence ranging from four years to life imprisonment, depending on the specifics of the case.

Defending Robbery Charges

Defending against robbery charges requires a strategic legal approach, focusing on the specific elements of the crime and the evidence presented.

  1. Challenging the Evidence: Your lawyer can scrutinize the evidence to identify inconsistencies or procedural errors. This includes examining witness statements, surveillance footage, and forensic evidence.
  2. Disproving Elements of the Crime: To secure a conviction, the Crown must prove both the theft and the use of violence or threats. If one element cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, the charge may be downgraded or dismissed.
  3. Negotiating Charges: An experienced lawyer such as Gary Batasar may negotiate to have the charges reduced. For example, if the use of a weapon cannot be proven, the charge may be reduced to theft, resulting in less severe penalties.
  4. Self-Defense: If the accused acted in self-defense during the alleged robbery, this can be a viable defense.

Importance of Legal Representation

Facing robbery charges is a serious matter that requires the expertise of a seasoned criminal defense lawyer such as Gary Batasar. He  can help you understand your rights, build a robust defense, and represent you effectively in court.

Why Choose Gary Batasar:

  • Expertise: Gary Batasar has extensive experience in defending robbery cases.
  • Client-Centered Approach: he prioritizes the clients’ needs and provide flexible payment plans, no hidden fees, and 24/7 availability.
  • Comprehensive Defense: Gary Batasar works closely with you to develop the best possible defense strategy.

Contact Gary Batasar: If you or a loved one is facing robbery charges, do not face this challenge alone. Contact experienced Robbery Defense Lawyer Gary Batasar immediately for a consultation. He is committed to providing the best legal representation and ensuring your rights are protected.