Success Stories

Jun 23

Newmarket Domestic Charges – Withdrawn

Client was charged in Newmarket with a number of domestic charges after careful consideration and reviewing of the evidence the Crown agreed to withdraw the charges after the client completed some counseling. "Utter Threats Charge Lawyer near me?" Gary Batasar is your top choice. "Weapons Dangerous Charge Lawyer near me?"…
Jun 21

Various Drug Possession – Successful Bail

Client charged in Owen Sound with a number of drug related charges, including possession of cocaine, possession of fentanyl, possession of ecstasy and there was a province wide warrant for his arrest. I managed to have him surrender to the police after which I was successful in getting his release…
Jun 18

Non-Citizen Serious Charges Withdrawn

Client was an international student. He was charged with a number of weapons and drinking and driving charges. He was also charged with a separate domestic violence incident and possession of stolen property. After reviewing all of the disclosure in the case and having discussions with the Prosecutor, I was…
Jun 18

Gun and Firearm – Successful Bail Hearing and Charges Withdrawn

Client charged along with her boyfriend with a number of gun and firearms related charges. Boyfriend was subsequently charged with murder. I was able to secure her release on the gun and drug charges and the charges were eventually withdrawn against her. "Assault Charges Lawyer near me?" Gary Batasar is…
Jun 11

Domestic Violence Charges Withdrawn Completely

Client was a professional who was charged with domestic violence related offenses. After review of the evidence including testing the truthfulness of the witness, I was able to have all of the charges withdrawn against the client. He was able to continue with his profession and was quite grateful and…